a test image in a link a test image in a link
"You're driving along the road, sunset grazing across the bleak fields of the countryside.. Another unremarkable day is shrinking into the horizon once more. The trivialness of life melted in your hands along the wheel like a softened chocolate. Were you driving home? Or were you trying to escape the past that is ever gaining closer and closer by the day? No matter, as the roads don't judge. That's what you liked about it. You could truly be free. Live your life for yourself, whatever it was that you could call your own. As you begun to fall deeper into your thoughts, the sudden jolt of the car awoken you. Did you hit something? Or rather... Did something hit you? The car seemed unharmed, as your eyes frantically darted across the hood. The only remarkable point was a strange flyer in the road.. A carnival? In the boonies? That sounded like the worst business model to you, but the intrigue won you over. Well. That and the low tank of gas.. Your worries could wait till morning. Just for now."

Work in Progress

Button to link back to me! (Just remember to please not hotlink!)
a test image in a link


10/1/24 - Shows & Movies are all done! I've had them done for a few weeks(?) Now but kept forgetting to update the changelog here lol.. Roblox is functional in my Games page. I'll slowly work on adding a tad more to the Games landing page & adding the planned Webkinz page since Webkinz is like.. One of my main interests rn I guess. I also found the motivation/time to make functioning buttons/links to the Hopeboard, made it snazzier-ish, added a few more images to it, and the like. As well as the Interests page FINALLY being able to be accessed via not-the-sitemap. I've decided to put it in the Crossroads as my About Me page had a lot of links in it already and all. I didn't want people to click around too much to find some pages ^^;


9/10/24 - Started on the Games pages for my interests as I've kinda hit a roadblock creatively(?) With my Shows/Movies pages. Updated the Sitemap to include the Guestbook, Games, Hopeboard, ect. Added more images to my Hopeboard.


7/31/2024 - Finally moved the comments to it's own page! The guestbook icon now goes to the comments section. I've lined out a few rules to follow. Basically just common courtesy stuff. As a note, I will probably be unable to update stuff in the coming week or so as I am getting some irl stuff done that'll keep me unavailable for a bit. Unsure how long. ^^;


6/26/24 - Whoopsie I've been forgetting to update this log.. Started the Care Bears page, currently only is a quiz I wanted to make... Added a modal that launches upon visiting the site, gives proper warnings to the content of the site. Been added to the Xenics of the Net Ring & Autists Online Ring! Updated my About Page a bit, it now is home to my fatass cat. Been moving some stuff around on the backend to help myself in the future.


6/1/24 - Website pets have made their home in the carnival! They're a tad shy, so our trusty crew is working backstage to help them get accustomed to their new home. (Their page is a WIP/Almost done, but not properly navigatable to at this moment in time.)
A new site button! I've made it look like a sort of carnival/circus entry ticket, the old button was okay but I felt it wasn't very legible. More stuff, hopefully coming soon?


5/11/24 - More Xenogenders, and a temp comment box made by Virtualobserver/Ayano is on the homepage now. IT WILL BE MOVED TO IT'S OWN PAGE EVENTUALLY. So any comments made in the section while on the home page will not be saved in full. I'm just very low spoons right now to fiddle with it + make a new page aha ^^;


5/6/24 - New page! I got tired of trying to juggle handling my xenogenders I identify with on 3 different sites, so I complied them all here. On top of this new page, I fixed up the Sitemap! You can now use it properly. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO SADNESS/SADGRL/GOBLIN-HEART. I found a tooltip code they made for people and it was exactly what I was after. Literally could not have figured out how to fix the Sitemap without that code ^^;


2/29/24 - Happy leap day! I'm coming in hot with another mini update. Two new pages under my interests. Literally just me spouting my batshit thoughts about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure & Twin Peaks respectively. I legitimately cannot figure out how to fix the red box on the hover links I am so sorry. I'll try to fix it eventually if my brain finally rubs two braincells together.


2/21/24 - Fixed (Hopefully): Some buttons not working due to me rerouting pages. Work has slowed greatly due to my own health wavering at times, and burnout striking hard. I promise the site isn't dead! Just slow rn.


6/16/23 - Finished pages/links: Userboxes. Be warned it is a VERY image heavy page on the site, so tab there at your own risk. The About Me page now has a functioning button if you so wish to acces the userboxes. Might work on a interests page next. Sorry for the slowdown on site work. I hit a big rut lately. Trying to resume on editing.


5/30/23 - Finished pages: Writing, About Me. You can read excerpts of my fics/original writing in the writing page, and if you want to know a bit more about me, the webmaster, you can head over to my About. I also did a fun feature where you can dress up my sona on the About page. Mix and match to your hearts content.


5/28/23 - Art page is functioning! I'll get to the writing section soonish. Might have to take a pause on website stuff to catch up with my commissions queue.


5/26/23 - Front page is finished! I kinda stuggled with what image to make the top left but went with a faux notice board. I've been trying to nail down the spookier end of the universe this site is based off but so far my efforts aren't as noticable. I'll probably be working on the art section of the site next. Who knows.


5/21/23 - Second page/entry page completed! Links for the buttons on the second page are TBA (aka, when I finally code all of them lol), but coming soon. Added a guestbook to the front page! Please keep it civil and appropriate. The little pierot character is named Piper (name may change). Added a little splash/descriptive text to the main front page box to give a little more purpose to this page.


5/19/23 - More than one page now! Woohoo! If you click the stuffed rabbit, you can go to a more proper entry page.


5/15/23 - Added more art/graphics, functioning credit/link back to template maker. Fixed a spelling mistake in the Carnival flyer graphic. Added a mp3 to the music player. (Note, will change the background color eventually to make the text readable.) Added other misc things.