You've just been turned into a Care Bear or Cousin! Who are You?
Currently 11 different results ! (More will be added soon)

Starting off: How would you react to your situation as a Care Bear?

My routine is disrupted :(
Do my stretches as usual, go for a jog
Zzz. . .
Pinch myself, this is a dream right?
Greet the day with a smile regardless
Scrapbook about it!
Ok. Remain calm, ground yourself. Maybe this is temporary??
Oh thank god I don't have to go to work
Make sure nobody else ended up like this

Ok.. After adjusting to everything, where do you want to go first?

Is there a bakery?
Go watch Hugs & Tugs for Grams
The park!
Care-A-Lot Library
Check in on the Twinklets
I go wherever is most fun
Watch over Earth from a nice cloud patch
Someplace to listen to chatter
Start planning out a route for the day instead
Stay at home with a nice cup of tea

That was nice. You must be hungry though, pick a food!

Any kind of sweets
BLT Sandwich with a fried egg, on marbled rye
The boxed macaroni that is shaped like different things
Smiley pancakes :)
Uhhhhhhh *Blanks out once asked what you want to eat* (Me too bud)
Snacks from my bag
Catfish fillet with lemon
I'm straight up taking bites out of my friend's meals

Once you've finished, you figure it would be best to help someone on Earth so what problem would you best be able to handle?

A child who's procrastinating chores/homework
Helping a kid learn to like new foods
A friend group of teens struggling to communicate with each other
Making a quiet room with an autistic adult at the local library
Teaching two kids how to develop healthy coping skills when faced with big emotions
Volunteering with a couple pre-teens that are decorating for a city festival
A teen who's embarassed to admit they're still afraid of the dark
Siblings who moved into a new home, but are too shy to approach the kid next door
An adult unable to truly express their concerns
Visiting long term child patients at a hospital
Young adult who is struggling to find a lost item that they cherished

Helping is no easy task, but you do it! Before you go, the person you assisted gives you a trinket, which one is it?

Dried lavender
A suncatcher
3 Colorful marbles
Photo of a double rainbow
Half of a heart necklace
One of those colorful liquid timers
Costume beads from a parade
A heart shaped pin
Bear-sized friendship bracelet
A cutting from a bleeding heart bush
The feather from a peacock

Back at Care-A-Lot, you're invited to watch a movie! What genre is your choice?

Coming of age
Romantic Comedy
Anarchic Comedy
Weird Western
Sc-Fi Epic
Cult Classics

During a break into your movie, an unfamiliar bear asks you to pick a colored card

The Red, Blue & Yellow card
The Pink & White card
The Grey card
The Yellow & Orange card
The Rainbow card
The Warm Brown card
The Blue & Purple card
The Teal & Light Blue card
The Green card
The Pastel Pink card
The Orange card

Satisfied, the bear smiles. On the card is an image of..

A rainy cloud
The smiling sun
A meadow in spring
Confetti & balloons
The endless night sky
A compass that points home
Two paws holding hands
Hugs & Tugs soundly asleep
A daisy chain
The Caring Meter

Before you could ask what it meant, you're suddenly alone in your house. A new mirror is propped up like a waiting friend. Approaching it, you finally see yourself.