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Little's Genderpile
Created 5/4/2024 || Updated 10/17/2024

My personal horde of Xenogenders, Neoprouns, and other MOGAI/LIOM Labels. With a dash of maybe more known labels. I do my best to archive them to prevent link rot.

Trigger Warning for (reclaimed) slur usage on this page & heavy usage of bright colors.

Sexuality/Attraction Labels


"Queer is an umbrella term for individuals of sexual and gender minorities and individuals who fall outside of and/or reject the cultural norms around sexuality, gender identity, and/or gender expression.
The word can mean different things to different individuals, but the most common meaning is someone who is not cishet/someone with variant experiences with orientation, gender and/or sex."

Quoted from: MOGAI Miraheze Wiki

Fictorose is a combined label where a being is both Fictoromantic & Fictosexual. Meaning the being who identifies with Fictorose/Sexual/Romantic experiences attraction to Fictional Characters exclusively or almost exclusively (i.e. Partficto-)

Alternative Flag Design by: Boba Foxy on Tumblr

[Part-fic-toe les-boy]

An orientation that is a combination of the Partficto- suffix/label, and being a Lesboy/Lesbian Boy/Boygirl/Male Lesbian/ect

Being Partfictolesboy can vary from person to person, it could be where the individual who identifies with it is male-presenting, and is only attracted to fictional women/femmes in a queer manner, are butch and only experience occasional non-fictional attractions to femmes, and so on.

Partficto- is under the Fictosexual/romantic umbrella, it was coined by Thelesbianbakugo on Tumblr.

Partficto- was described as "Partofictosexual/romantic is an orientation under the fictosexual/romantic umbrella that describes someone who is fictosexual/romantic, but experiences the occasional sexual attraction to non-fictional individuals.

The term can also be defined as the experience of being 'partially fictosexual/romantic', this can present differently in everyone and is a more flexible use of partfictosexual. Some may use this definition to refer to being a mixture of greysexual and fictosexual/romantic, experiencing attraction to fictional forms of factional individuals, and so on."

The flag was made using the one made by io-makes-flags on Tumblr.

It is an alternate version of the Fictosexual pride flag, and uses the combined color palettes of the Partfictosexual & Lesboy flags.
Term coined by me, all rights to Partficto- and the Fictosexual pride flags have been stated above. I do not claim ownership over the flag design itself, nor the Partficto- label.

A label for when someone is simultaneously is and is not a lesboy. This could be where one's relation to being a lesboy feels paradoxical.

Coined by: Squidfreak on Tumblr
Cannibal Lesboy

"A flag for lesboys who enjoy cannibalism in media, cannibalism as a metaphor for love, or just a generally cannibal-themed lesboy flag"

Coined by: Sapphic-Horror on Tumblr

"Objectum Sexuality, also known as Objectum, Objectum Romanticism (OS/OR), or Pygmaliosexual, is the attraction to inanimate objects. This attraction can be sexual, romantic, or both; it can also be a form of tertiary attraction. The objects that an objectum (or 'OS') individual is attracted to are often called "beloved objects". These objects often have names and personalities to the objectum person. Objectum individuals may go on dates or do other romantic things with their beloved object."

Flag Design by:Sylvoin on Tumblr
Quoted from: MOGAI Miraheze Wiki

"Polyamory is a term under the ENM umbrella to describe the capability or desire to be in a relationship with more than one individual at once. Polyamorous can be used both as a description of a relationship with more than two individuals and as description of individuals who desire such relationships."

Quoted from: MOGAI Miraheze Wiki

Core/Main Genders

Daenixian is a gender apart of the Galactican Alignment System. The Alt flag that is used on this page. Ályosbovic

"Alien Bovine"
A gender that feels deeply connected to alien cows, the moon and stars, and carries the emotion of not belonging to this world. It's a nonbinary/non-aligned with either masculine or feminine pronouns. Anyone may identify with it.

Coined and designed by me.
Concentraic is a core gender that has "one or more other genders orbiting it, much like a solar system." Astrumgender is a similar gender to Stargender, but moreso focused on the light in the dark sort of feeling your gender may present as. This flag is actually an alt version of Stargender Wishbearcomfic actually has no post/source as it is a personal Spinnic/Comfic gender that was Co-Coined by me and my friend Miz. All credits for the flag design goes to Miz, I simply just coin the definitions of the flags that it made. Clownspinnic is a Neurogender. The flag was designed by my friend Miz, and the definition was written by me. Autigender is a... Sadly controversial gender. It's often at surface level taken as "my gender is autism!! X3 el oh el!!!!1! I want to be autistic!!" but it's. Far from it. It is a gender FOR autistics to use. This gender is called Fungigender/Fungusgender and is themed after... Well, fungi. The alt flag used on this page is found here. Faggot Transsexual is pretty straightforward. It's for transsexuals who self identify as faggots. Straight outta cyberspace, comes Digibeing Laugh until the cows come home! Or well... I guess the carnival works too Laughcowgender was coined by genderkennel on Tumblr Digiclowngender is a gender related to clowns and tech. 🤡 ClownBoy

Other Genders I Relate To


"A gender related to the roblox game Angel’s Sensory Room! Can be related to parts, colors, or feelings of the game! Possible pronouns: Neon/neons, stim/stims, play/plays, room/rooms, etc!"

Coined by forest_w0lf on Pinterest

"A xenogender based off the roblox game Mind Murder Place"

Coined by liamsgutz on Pinterest
TW for Epilepsy/Eyestrain/Surrealism if you play MMP!
MMP is a heavily inspired experience based off LSD: Dream Emulator, so if you're a fan of LSD:DE then you'll love MMP

"A gender that is related to the game Make A Cake on Roblox! This gender can be related to cakes, colorfullness, fun, and sillyness! :)"

Coined by ??? I found this on Pinterest, where it originated, but the coiner is invisible to me? Their name is Ophelia as far as I know ^^;

"A gender relating to the 2007 windows game purble place!"

Coined by evaporatedfish on Pinterest
No definition was provided :(

Coined by fae_ferocity on Pinterest
Sillyheehoogender/heehoogender is a gender where you feel like a silly clown :0} Sillybodiment: A gender connected to being the embodiment of silliness. Clowncomfic: A comfic gender that finds safety/comfort in clowns. Cleoncade: A gender connected to clowns & arcades "Terrclownic (Terror + Clown)- A gender that can best be described as a humanoid clown or jester. It is uncanny and terrifying, yet there's an unexplainable subconscious comfort that lies within."

Coined by chaisjustvibin on Pinterest
Rainbowsimpledimplic is a very...... Haha, simple gender Glitterrainbowic
A xenogender connected to glittery rainbows, or rainbows and glitter. This gender can be related to rainbows, glitter, sparkleanimals, nostalgia, sunny weather and kidcore but doesn't need to be limited to just those.

Coined by leedahyun_ on Pinterest
Antiqclownic is a gender that personally to me, presents as a small, but knowing clown.
(Note: The images on the archived link are probably broken as fuck, sorry about that)
Snortcoric is a gender based around a beanie baby ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ Mooshroomgender... Friends who know me know this one isn't a surprise for me to identify with lol Bullgender is a masculine version of Cowgender Cowgender
Not the Cowgender related to Bullgender (as far as I know)

Coined by ???
Scoobydoospinnic is the perfect Spinnic gender for me, I fuckin' LOVE Scooby Doo. Potatosmileyic

"A xenogender relating to potato smiley fries!"

Coined by evaporatedfish on Pinterest

"A gender related to the “you are an idiot” virus, song, or both."

Coined by ssshortcakez on Pinterest

"Glitch404gender is a gender related to white noise, static, the blue screens, and other technology-related glitches. It feels like malfunctions in technology and is confusing and glitchy."


"Virusthing - a thing-gender connected to computer viruses & being a 'thing', a virus-thing!!"


Surfing the web at the speed of sound, stopping to nestle in your homepage of Genderdotcom.

Virualors, a silly gender for netizens of the world wide web. [EYESTRAIN WARNING]

Totallynotaviruslink aka VIRUSCORIC Totally normal gender! You iwll n07 g4aa1111111111n vir0s
(You will not gain virus)

There's no fooling around with this one, make sure your OS isn't using a trojan honk software! Many suffer every year from pied PCs.


"⤷ A gender that is related to the zoomer-zupper robot, pupstar!"

Coined by ariineos on Pinterest
H3/H1M pronouns flag
Designed by velvetfeiao on Pinterest

"A xenogender relating to the MS Paint program on a Windows XP computer"

Coined by CallMeCupid1 on Pinterest
(Coiner coined it as Windos7MSpaintic but used the XP Paint.... So I've just decided to call it XP)
"Spitegender, a gender that exists just out of pure spite 💖"

Coined by CloudyMoth on Twitter

"IDONTFUCKINGKNOWgender — a gender related to when you DON'T KNOW what you are and you DON'T KNOW what everyone is doing and NOT UNDERSTANDING anything and WTF IS GOING ON"

Coined by Bishop/Squidfreak
"( ⪖⩊⪕ ) • Bismikupofiguric : a gender connected to bishoujo Miku pony figures or this bishoujo Miku pony figure in particular."

Coined by ladyguuji on Pinterest
Alolanraichucharic ⚡✨🥞
No description provided
Coined by ??? on Pinterest (If anyone knows who, please contact me. I hate the lack of credit/sourcing)

"A xenogender related to the joy of coining/making, sharing xenos, and being kind"

Coined by CloudyAngel_TV on Pinterest

"A gender that feels related to clowns and/or jesters and gore and/or meat."

Coined by steelmogairun

"Clownfreak, a flag connected to those who are clowns and freaks, or a clown freak."

Coined by Termbing/🎂 of the Pastry System
Star Fae Gender

"A gender that feels like fairies in space; out of place and confused, but staying hopeful and true to oneself nonetheless!"

Coined by pocketlint-flags
Incense Gender

"A gender based on a burning incense! Can feel like a spiritual fluctuation within your gender."

Coined by pocketlint-flags