Current Location:

Ponyville, Equestria

Oh no! A brony! /hj

Ok now that we got that joke out of the way, I actually grew up a little bit with G3, and a good chunk of G4! I'm mainly a fan of G4, but my favorite nostalgia-based G3 content is My Little Pony: The Runaway Rainbow

Princess Rarity with the Breezies

I guess the problem with me is I didn't really watch G3, I was more of one of those kids who had the books of media that were movies and the like. But predictably, my favorite G3 pony is Minty.

Moving onto.. The infamous G4. Ahhh MLP FIM. You either love it or hate it. I won't be ever going into my thoughts on the fandom, as it's. A lot to go over and... Yeah. I would rather not taint this page with the shit the fandom has done.
But to move on, you could call me an "OG" fan of FIM, as I got into it very early into Season 2 if my memory is correct. I remember watching the series premiere on the Hub (I didn't see it live, probably a rerun) and not thinking much of it. And yet the thing that drew me in was a very early PMV (Pony Music Video), Daddy Discord. A duet between the wacky pony, Screwball, and Discord, Lord of Chaos. Probably no surprise to anyone that my favorite of the Mane Six is Fluttershy. Though if you asked me who my favorite background pony is.... I'd have to say Lyra Heartstrings.

An updated map of Equestria, sourced
from Derpibooru

So my thoughts on G5 are.. Complex. I love the show, and I love the potential it has. But I honest to gods hate how Hasbro is handling the series. Tell Your Tale is okay. Like it's not AMAZING but at least it's something. I just feel it's being neglected because it's not the immediate success that G4 was to Hasbro.

I think being set in the same universe as G4 is fine, it's kinda neat! We get to see how the ponies in Equestria live in the future. And the setup isn't as needed in a sense because we are familiar with the world, but we're new to the locations shown, so we get an element of learning about the new ponies, their homes, and how they interact with the world.

But it also kinda hinders Make Your Mark. Everyone wants to compare it to Friendship is Magic, and that doesn't feel fair at all. MYM is, in a season context, probably only on it's season 2 out of the series. So to compare it to FIM as it is now isn't giving the series a fair chance. We still have so much to learn about the characters.

"Okay so, Little why should we care about this so much?" You are asking probably. And my answer is, you don't need to. This is all my opinion on the silly little internet, and on my silly little website. You can hate G5 all you like! I can't make everyone enjoy it.
Personally my favorite elements to G5 is how we know so little.. We have hints of lore dropped for us and we (my friends and I) have gone FERAL over the implications. Like damn man.
